What a Wonderful Family (2016) is a delightful and heartwarming Japanese comedy that takes a light-hearted yet meaningful look at family dynamics, relationships, and the complexities that come with them. Directed by Yoji Yamada, the film is the first in a series that examines the evolving nature of family life, centering on the Hirata family, whose quiet existence is suddenly disrupted by a big family crisis.
The story revolves around the Hirata family, particularly the couple, Shuzo and his wife, Yasuko. Shuzo, a mild-mannered, somewhat detached man, is surprised when his wife suddenly announces that she wants a divorce. This unexpected news shakes the entire family, leading to an emotional upheaval that forces them to re-evaluate their relationships with each other. The film explores the reactions of their children and extended family members, who, in their own ways, are affected by the announcement.
As Shuzo navigates the fallout of his wife’s decision, the film balances humor with sincere reflections on familial bonds. The reactions of the children, each dealing with their own personal struggles and expectations, add layers of complexity to the narrative. From the adult children who are reluctant to take sides, to the unexpected revelations about family secrets, What a Wonderful Family reveals the quiet but essential connections that hold a family together, even in the face of tension and conflict.
The film succeeds in its exploration of family through everyday moments, offering a nuanced perspective on what it means to be a family in modern Japan. At its core, it’s about the small things—the routines, the unspoken understanding, the quiet support—that bind people together, even when they seem to be drifting apart. The narrative is not filled with grandiose gestures or dramatic confrontations, but instead presents an authentic portrayal of family life, with all its complexities, contradictions, and occasional absurdity.
What a Wonderful Family is a charming, funny, and emotionally rich film that leaves a lasting impression. It reminds us that while families are not perfect, their imperfections are what make them so important. The film is a celebration of the messiness, love, and humor that come with being part of a family, offering a refreshing and thoughtful perspective on modern relationships.